This is the weirdest season ever, seriously. I keep messing up the day of the week, often thinking it is the day before it actually is. To some degree, this is not a bad thing, especially when I think it’s a Thursday and it’s actually a Friday. But it’s also a sign of how so many of our days just run together without differentiation. It can be disconcerting.
Maybe you’re feeling the same way, and if you are, please know that this new normal cannot last. Eventually we will get back to some semblance of how things were in our lives before the pandemic. However, I would like to suggest that maybe a few of the things we have experienced during this time, are things that we keep doing in the future. Perhaps you can think of some of the positives that have arisen. I, for one, am loving the intentionality of giving people more space. This is not to say that I don’t wish to greet people in a more natural way, such as with a hug, but there is a distinct difference in the consideration of others when we give them comfortable space, instead of crowding them for no other reason than you think it’s just the way it is.
Perhaps this is the bigger lesson here, that we become more considerate of one another. Shouldn’t that be a desire for us regardless? Surely, but as busy as we are, who truly takes the time to be extra observant of those around them? I am sure that as you read this, you believe you are observant of others, and that you are considerate of the people in your sphere of influence. The important part to remember is that your sphere of influence is not about the people you like, but about every person you come into contact with on a daily basis. Read that again… EVERY PERSON you come into contact with on a daily basis.
If we are required to give people a little extra space during this time, then perhaps we can keep that up once things open back up a bit. This means in your driving, your shopping, your activities in any public space, and even your workplace. Does this really seem so far-fetched?