Wednesday, September 12, 2007

from michelle

For my regular readers, this is a guest spot from my sister in law who lives up north of Seattle. The cause seemed more than worthy and I am honored to share with you about what she has accomplished.

Forwarded from Michelle Roberts:

Just wanted to let you all know that we did it! Each person on my team wasn't able to walk all 60 miles, but I made it!
I just wanted to say thank you for all of your support, be it monetary, phone calls, text messages and your thoughts and prayers.
If you had asked me on friday night if I would do this again I would have told you that you must be drinking your bathwater again cuz there was no way. Yet, Sunday rolled around and I already knew that I wanted to do it again. I thought that raising the money would be the hard part, but compared to walking that was a piece of cake. For those of you who live around here we walked the first day from Bellevue to the airport, via Renton. It was about 25 miles. Thank goodness some of our teammates were faster and they pitched our tents for us. My girlfriend, Trish got 100 yards from camp and the largest of her dozen (yes, that's dozen) blisters ripped open. Medical wouldn't allow her to walk on Saturday. Saturday was down and around and over the river and through the woods. Inever really knew where we were, but it was a 20 mile jaunt. Sunday was the most beautiful day ever! For one, we knew we only had 15 miles to go (who would ever think that I would be e xcited about ONLY walking 15 miles!) and the weather was gorgeous! We were bussed over to West SEattle as they didn't want us walking through White Center (they didn't feel like dealing with a shooting, and neither did we!) and we walked along Alki. You could see the Space Needle across the water and it was a sight. We walked past the Mariner and Seahawk stadiums, just as the Seahawk fans were walking in for opening day (we went from a sea of pink to a sea of blue for a bit). We ended at Seattle Center and people galore. Jeff and the boys and the moms came down to meet me and I've never been so glad to see them. I had hit a wall on Saturday at lunch and just wanted my family. I knew that I could get through it. The best saying on a shirt this weekend kept me going: Blisters don't bad as chemo does. Doesn't that just say it all?
I have already decided to do this next year and if anyone wants to join us there is always room. If you don't think that you can walk it think about volunteering. They will have walks in 14 different cities next year and they can use all the help that they can get. The only paid personnel are the on-site security guards that watch over camp after lights out.
Thanks again for all of your help. I have lots of pictures and can't wait to scrap them soon.
love to you all!

--Help me fight Breast CAncer by sponsoring me in The Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome! quite the accomplishment!