Monday, October 29, 2007


Why do we let a political view, republican or democrat, cloud our religious and biblical landscapes? Is it that we somehow equate God as being a part of one or the other party? How often do we forget that the men in power are just that, men. Men who are, and have been for centuries, corrupted by power. Failing to follow Jesus’ guidelines of being a servant to those who serve, of striving for peace in any situation. Avoiding conflict, being content and living beyond reproach. In the end, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Look at the field of science. Since the late 1700’s, man has been quite literally obsessed with explaining every little thing in the universe. Without proper evidence to support many theories, man turned to the only thing it could use, rational thought based on repeated testing to create a consistent and so called factual result. With these "factual results" men of science began to wield a new kind of power, that of influence based on, of all things, theory.

And what if the resuls are less than expected? Skew the data to provide the best possible outcome. Don’t believe me? This is the science of man, always has been and always will be. A world filled with the greatest skeptics on the planet. Hell bent on proving a point for the good of man kind, or at least scientific kind. The power that is afforded some scientists is staggering. It is not uncommon for some of these men to refer to themselves as gods.

pardon my musings today, it's just some thoughts i've had...

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