Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Peace in these times

I have heard it said that peace is unattainable. I have heard that peace is the opposite of war and that war is unavoidable so therefore peace is not possible. I have heard that the number one foe of peace is fear.

Of those three statements, the only one that has any credibility is the last one. Fear is of course our greatest enemy, especially when it comes to peace. Standing in the gap between fear and peace is Christ, our job is to meet Him there and trust Him to deliver us from this enemy.

When we cave into our fear we pull further away from Christ, but when we learn to turn away from conflict we draw closer to Him.

Jesus came because of life, He came to preserve life. Is not death the opposite of life? When Jesus died on the cross and then rose from the dead, He overcame death. In the same manner we are supposed to overcome death by accepting life in Christ.

Our lives are precious to God. He created us and sustains us. How then can we for one second allow something as sinister as abortion? At the same exact moment, how can children of God accept something as maniacal as war?

We stand on the principles of scripture which we believe are God-breathed. Within these breaths of God we are to be consumed with life and not death. We are to be focused on eternity and not this death that exists here in this fallen world.

We are to forgive others as we have been forgiven. We did not deserve to be forgiven and yet His grace overflows. In fact we continue to fail to deserve God’s amazing love and yet we turn around and fail to forgive others because we don’t think others deserve our forgiveness.

Who are we really?

I keep saying the same things over and over, repeating myself for what, self gratification? It really is gross to think of how much I have written about this over the past three years, but here we are none the less.

I have my bible which has notes upon notes written in it. There are underlined passages that I keep returning to along with a few small snippets of paper that I have kept that are filled with my thoughts. I have asked God to spell it out for me on numerous occasions and He keeps coming back with, “keep writing”.

I have protested a few times as this seems redundant but I am waiting for a particular moment when this will all seem crystal clear, when it will stop being something that I think I get and a few people around me barely grasp.

This is so much bigger than our own immediate lives; it is something that will carry on forever. Our kids and their kids need to hear this and they need to hear it now, not on some epitaph after we’re gone.

Our moment is now; it is today, carpe diem and all that. Throughout history there have been voices that carried above the din, that spoke through the chaos. It is our time to raise our voices in protest to what we are being sold.

In these times we need peace. We have been given the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ and we respond how? By annihilating anyone who does not agree with our own world views? By destroying anyone who goes against our finite views on religion?

GOD IS LOVE. I missed the lines in the bible that say God is anything to the contrary of that last statement and yet there are people out there, worse yet there are Christians out there who would rather put a gun in a young person’s hands, send them off to a foreign land and ask that young person to kill to protect a so called freedom.

As Switchfoot says, “I pledge allegiance to a country without borders, without politicians”. This world has nothing for me if the people who so dearly hold onto their bibles are the same ones that hold onto their guns and their Americanism. Christianity is about following Christ and not the GOP.

This eats me up and yet I know there can be no hesitating on this position. I am standing here today with my faith and a belief that we are called to follow Jesus and then to love our neighbor.

Peace is in knowing that. Showing peace to others is in living it out. We need peace in these times, right now, right here today.
My life is not mine, and yet it is mine to live for Him. Peace to you all.



Anonymous said...

I loved your post! I commented on your blog sight, but I'm not sure it posted so here it is in a nutshell. I am so glad you posted that blog! I agree with it 100%. Thanks for being a light! God Bless my friend.


andy said...

So, Drew, I'll continue from the comments I began on Facebook about this blog. So, I totally understand your passion for peace in our world and yet that passion not gelling with the scriptures as you read, make notes, write, search, etc. Well, in Mat. 10, when Jesus said, "I came NOT to bring peace on the earth, but a SWORD". Quite a jarring statement! So, what brings me peace is the understanding that Jesus did not come to change the world, He came to save souls! And, when it comes to me, personally, He came to save my soul and give me peace in my heart and soul. At the end of John 16, Jesus said, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."