We can talk about the travesty of war all day but we must investigate the very core first. At the heart of any conflict is intent. But how do we get our intent? Seriously, think about that one.
Our intent only becomes impure when our desire outweighs it. What I mean is this; if you want something (that is your heart’s desire), then your intent becomes your desire. When your desire is something you cannot have, your intent becomes compromised; you have a decision to make.
Will you choose to chase that which you desire even if you can’t have it? If so, your intent has changed because in any event you want something you can’t have, your motives become questioned, as do your ethics.
We see this exemplified everyday on the news. From politicians who cheat on their spouses, to professional athletes who risk everything to participate in an illegal activity. From pastors who fail as humans even though their very essence is to please God, to celebrities who are willing to sell their very souls to be famous. This is not just a rare occurrence but instead something that happens everyday, in nearly every walk of life and in every nation. There is no immunity.
So what then can we do with this intent, this broken circle that seems to bring us to our knees too often? We fail to recognize a way out and are too quick to blame society. When that placates us for that moment we move on, ignorant of the devastation of what we have just done and we make the same critical errors again.
There is another way you know, and it starts with surrender. We have to look at who we are and recognize that we will not make a single difference in this world on our own. We are powerless against the advances of this world but here is one simple fact to keep in mind; everything in this place will fade away at some point. That is one inescapable fact that no one can disagree with.
When you are gone, there will be more just like you and me, more people bent on the destruction of our souls, more people who see only what they want to see. Society cannot be to blame for your failures, only your desires are to blame. You alone make a decision to be the way you are. Will you change your direction or maintain the same old you? This society will replace you in an instant with someone else willing to risk it all because of ill intent.
On the flip side, your intent can make the difference between what other people choose to do. Consider the effect that a movie like Pay It Forward has on its viewers; reports have circulated around the world of acts of kindness that directly relate to that movie. There is an insurance company that touts doing the right thing and they are making a difference from a business perspective by being people centric. This is active cooperation on the part of a citizenry that is keen to the needs of their own. Whether you view it as profit gaining or not, the majority of people seek better than what they see. Clearly the intent is good but can we maintain it? In light of eternity I pray we can.
Our goal when it comes to intent is to sow the seed of desire in a positive way. When desire takes on a negative tone in any way, our intent is immediately in trouble. Check yourself daily regarding the intents of your marriage, your career, your very life. If you have to ask yourself what your intent is on a minute by minute basis, then find a way to engage others to do the same.
The Bible talks about the intent of our heart as it relates to every decision we make, not just the big ones but all of them. When our intent is pure we maintain our focus on the commission that Jesus has for us. We cannot get caught up regarding the intents of this world, they will eat us alive.
Intent #1 = Love God with everything you have; your heart, your mind, your soul and your strength.
Intent #2 = Love your neighbor as yourself.
Maintain that intent in this life, if for no other reason than what comes next.
My life is not mine, and yet it is mine to live for Him. Peace to you all.
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